Reformat Hard Drive

November 1st, 2005 by Peter

reformat hard drive
Choose the maximum space if you want just one partition, less if you want to make another one later.

reformat hard drive
Choose a drive letter, or accept the default that the computer will give you.

reformat hard drive
Choose the file system. Windows needs NTFS, but you could also use FAT32. I would just go for NTFS, unless you have a reason for need a FAT32 drive, like maybe if you share data with a Linux installation on the computer.

format hard drive
Review the details.

format hard drive
Wait for a while as the computer goes through the process of formatting. (Could be a very long time on big drives)

Wait for it to finish, then all is done.

If you have just formatted your Windows drive you will need to reformat and reinstall Windows.

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